Volunteer Application

FOV Little League

Volunteer Application Form 2023

IMPORTANTAS A CONDITION OF VOLUNTEERING: I give permission for the Little League organization to conduct background check(s) on me now and as long as I continue to be active with the organization, which may include a review of sex offender registries (some of which contain name only searches which may result in a report being generated that may or may not be me), child abuse and criminal history records.  I understand that, if appointed, my position is conditional upon the league receiving no inappropriate information on my background.  I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability the local Little League.  Little League Baseball, incorporated, the officers, employees and volunteers thereof, or any other person or organization that may provide such information.  I also understand that, regardless of previous appointments, Little League is not obligated to appoint me to a volunteer position.  If appointed, I understand that, prior to the expiration of my term, I am subject to suspension by the President and removal by the Board of Directors for violation of Little League policies or principals.   

The local Little League and Little League Baseball, incorporated will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or disability. 

First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Social Security #
Mandatory with First Advantage or upon request
Date of Birth
Open the calendar popup.
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Employer Address
Special Training
Professional Training, Skills, or Hobbies
Community Liasons
Clubs, Service Organizations, Etc
Previous Volunteer
Previous Volunteer Experience (including baseball/softball and year)
Children in program?
If yes, list full name and what level
Do you have any certifications such as CPR, Medical, etc
Drivers License
Do you have a valid drivers license? If yes please indication # and state of issuance
Convicted of Crime
Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to any crime(s) involving or against a minor? If yes, describe each-in full
Youth Programs
Have you ever been refused participation in any other youth programs? If yes, please explain
In which of the following would you like to participate?
Please list three references, at least one of which has knowledge of your paritication as a volunteer in a youth program
Commitment Statement
By selecting Yes, you are stating that all of the information you have provided is correct and true to the best of your knowledge and that you have read and agree to the condition of volunteering as listed above
Required Fields